Monthly Archives: July 2017

Compral – Print Campaign

When you’ve got a really powerful headache, it can feel like the world is going to end. The pain is just so much it almost defies explanation. Joe Public did a great job here, turning the idea around and finding metaphors that feel like the worst headache you’ve head – positioning Compral as the medication of choice when you’ve got a serious headache.

So, before it ‘bursts into flame’, don’t forget to take a Compral!

Stellenbosch Academy receives 14 semifinalists at the Adobe Awards

Such great news!

We’ve just received word that 14 of our projects have been recognised as semifinalists in the Adobe Awards 2017.

We’ve included just three projects here, but to see them all – we do suggest you go here and see the amazing work created by our students.

We’re seriously holding thumbs, good luck everyone!

Nikka Taketsuru – Design

Much in the way that Scottish and Irish whiskey (or whisky, depending on where you come from) has its own design language, so too does Japanese whiskey. We love the way this project brings that Japanese whiskey design feel to life.

This blend, Nikka Taketsuru, is made from the Yoichi and Miyagikyo single malts. And so the design incorporates both of their designs into a single whole, to show that this is a blend. Of course, the boxes themselves draw inspiration from origami and Japanese calligraphy. So smart, so Japanese and so desirable!

To visit 2S Global Design’s website, click here.


Gold Bar Whiskey – Packaging

What a great design from Chad Michael Studio!

This premium whiskey is all about the finer things in life. With a bottle that is literally the shape of a gold bar, you’re bound to feel special when you drink it. And if that’s not enough – each individually numbered bottle comes with a removable solid brass coin that was minted at America’s oldest private mint.


Volterman Smart Wallet – Design

A smart wallet is not the first thing you think of as a gentleman’s essential, but in the modern age it’s fast becoming something that can really improve your life. With a host of features like a powerbank (to charge your phone), GPS (so you always know where it is), a bluetooth sensor (so you won’t forget either it or your phone behind) and even a pinhole camera (that can show you who opened your wallet last if you lost it) – this wallet clearly has it all.

So how to present it then?

Enter Backbone Branding, who have created this great look and feel for the product, along with a nifty package. And if you were unsure of the power of a good idea and some great design to go along with it – this project met 100% of its funding goal in just one day on Indiegogo. That’s how powerful it can be!

You can have a look at the Volterman website here.


Rose Marie Cromwell – Photography

To round off our photography-themed week, we’re sharing an incredible project by Miami-based photographer Rose Marie Cromwell. Entitled, El Libro Supremo de la Suerte, which is translated as: The Supreme Book of Luck, this photo series aims to bring to life the feeling of Havana, rather than simply representing it in a documentary fashion or showing the tourist-style images we might expect.

Mixing street scenes and staged images, this series acts as metaphor and guide – helping us as the outsiders to feel what it is like in Havana, through highly emotive, allegorical imagery. What a brilliant set of photographs!

To see more of Cromwell’s work, we do suggest you visit her website here.

Tomer Ifrah – Photography

Tomer Ifrah is an Israeli photographer who for this project, Moscow Metro, is turning his lens toward commuters in Moscow’s grand underground rail system. With many stations and much of the infrastructure built as long ago as the 1930s, the Moscow Metro is itself a design marvel. The focus here though is on the people who use it (estimates reckon up to 7 million people pass through it every day) and the little moments between them.

But that’s not all. This is part of a larger project where Ifrah will be photographing other metro systems in post-Soviet states, for which a book will be released in 2018.

You can visit Ifrah’s site and see more of his work here.