Monthly Archives: December 2016

Fiasco Gelato – Packaging

It’s not often you see ice cream packaged in a mason jar. But what a difference it makes! These limited edition flavours for Fiasco Gelato (Chocolate Peppermint, Classic Eggnog, Cranberry & Pear and Sticky Toffee Pudding) are not just incredibly delicious-sounding, but also packaged beautifully. Each label design, by Ayra Peredo, features a recognisable Canadian animal that consumers can connect with along with the brand colours of Fiasco.

Now if only we could get some of these to South Africa without the ice cream melting!

Mr Paw – Packaging

One doesn’t see the category of pet care products as a haven for smart design. More often than not, we can expect goofy / cutesy illustrations of dogs and cats and not much else. But this work by Mildred & Duck for Mr Paw takes those pet care design conventions and throws them all out the window. No illustration, no unnecessary colours – just plain minimal design that speak with confidence about the product within.

To trot out the old cliche: Less really is more in this case!

Rodnaya Priroda – Package Design

The design for Rodnaya Priroda dairy products, a Russian brand, by BRANDEXPERT The Freedom Island takes homely design and illustration techniques that we all recognise from familiar crockery, then applies that same design to the brand’s packaging. We see gorgeous foliage, a butterfly and even a dragon fly on the packaging – something we may not expect to see on traditional dairy packaging.

After seeing this though, how could you not reach out for a bottle and take it home? Regardless of what’s inside this packaging, it looks like it will not only taste great but also remind you of a time when things were just a little bit simpler and happier!


Google Quick Draw

What a fun experiment from Google! This AI learning program tasks you to draw specific doodles to see if an AI can figure out what you’re drawing before time runs out. And the most interesting thing – the more people play, the more the AI learns and the better it gets at recognising drawings!

Visit the site here.

And this video below explains the entire project.

Brett Lloyd Photography

Brett Lloyd is a British photographer with a stark, considered aesthetic that we felt we had to share. With a great choice of models and just a little bit of heroin chic thrown in, we can see how his career has gone from strength to strength, shooting for brands like Hugo Boss, Louis Vuitton denim, Alexander McQueen and Stüssy.

Check out a selection of his work below.

Christoffer Relander – Jarred and Displaced

We’ve featured Cristoff Relander’s work before. We love his smart use of double exposure to bring meaning and depth to his work and he’s taken it one step further here with his project, Jarred and Displaced.

Here, he has superimposed meaningful landscapes ‘inside’ jars, as if to look after them or keep them safe. And the kicker? All of this photo manipulation is doing ‘in-camera’ using medium format film – no Photoshop trickery or other jiggery pokery – just a serious dedication to craft.

Bask in his work below!

Nadine Redlich – Paniktotem

These simple, poignant illustrations by Nadine Redlich, a German illustrator, perfectly capture those awkward human moments of anxiety and stress. Designed to be a way to remind yourself of those feelings and somehow rid yourself of them, she created a book called Paniktotem that anyone can buy and look through. By seeing the same kind of feelings you have and then having a chuckle, her hope is that you can make yourself feel better.

We had a quick look through these and honestly – we feel better already!