Monthly Archives: March 2023

Abraham Garcia – Illustration

Abraham Garcia, an illustrator based in Mexico, created this awesome work for the BF Goodrich Mint 400, the oldest and most prestigious off-road motor race in America. We love the texture he’s captured in the work and the energy of the vehicles. Amazing!

To see more of Garcia’s work, you can follow him on Behance here.

Bocanada Mezcal – Design

Bocanada Mezcal is a new brand from Mexico that focuses on the artisan process of making mezcal, which has been passed down for years and years. We love the attention to detail that designer, Mariela Mezquita, brought to this project – melding cues of artisan creation and heritage with modern styles and forms.

What a gorgeous project!

The Chrysler Building – Multimedia

This website by for the Chrysler Building is a brilliant example of using traditional design and applying it in modern ways. With a strong art deco aesthetic, the Chrysler Building has its own unique design language, which the team artfully interpreted for multimedia.

Visit the Chrysler Building online here.