Monthly Archives: October 2019

Mutia Taufieq – Photography

Mutia Taufieq uses polaroids to make stunning collages of people – some more famous than others of course – perhaps you’ll recognise Virgil Abloh or Flume amongst these images. We love how the multiple angles and lo-fi nature of the work creates a narrative and some movement. It’s a smart way to capture even more of someone’s personality within a photograph (or photographs). Gorgeous!

You can see more of Mutia Taufieq’s work on Instagram here.

Burger King – Print Campaign

Here’s a bit of a self-referential one from Buzzman Paris for Burger King. To show how they were making sure their new meal deal was as cheap as possible, they created ads that looked half done, with bad layouts and copy editing mistakes.

So smart! And such a great thing to do when you have an audience who can understand messages like this. We love it!

This is a – Design

This work by Loonatiks Design Crew for a new tattoo aftercare brand brings high-end design to the tattoo world. The brand is called ‘This is a’ – as a way to keep it simple and easy to understand. The restrained, refined design adds a new feeling to the tattoo world we don’t often see in this way – gorgeous!

You can see more beautiful design on the This is a website here.

Camille Soulat – Illustration

Camille Soulat is a French illustrator who specialises in digital painting. Her soft, ethereal images tell us poignant, interesting stories – with a minimal amount of drama. According to her website she is inspired by memory, and looking at her work – you can see how the hazy feeling of looking back at one’s life comes through in her work.

You can see more of her work on her website here.