Monthly Archives: May 2020

Heinz – Ketchup Puzzle

We all know how puzzles have suddenly taken on much more importance in our live since the corona virus hit. This work by Rethink Canada for Heinz takes it to the next level with a fiendishly difficult puzzle that is entirely red. Just like Heinz Ketchup. The perfect way to spend a good few hours during lockdown!

Check out the case video below.

Shanti Sparrow – Design

Shanti Sparrow is an Australian designer, illustrator and educator who lives and works in New York. Today, we’re sharing her work for the MIMIM zine, which explores ‘the most important moment in music’ – focusing on the Woodstock festival.

This is such a great piece of work that shows how editorial design, typography and illustration all work together to create something incredible. And what’s more – there’s even a video she created that explains her process. What a great way to see how she does it!

You can see her Behance page here.

And you can visit her website here.

Nicolas Rivals – Photography

Nicolas Rivals is a French fine art photographer with a real appreciation for light and how it can make a photograph.

We’re sharing images from his series Lesteven // Stigmate, which imagines a utopian future world where all of humanity is gone and all that is left is light. A beautiful concept that has created some absolutely beautiful images.

You can see more of Rivals’ work on his Behance page here.

And you can visit his website here.

Kelly Milligan – Multimedia

Kelly Milligan is a fine artist from New Zealand who uses code to create beautiful artworks. To describe what he does in his own words: I translate practical code knowledge into algorithmic and generative art.

We’re sharing this work today not only for the work itself, but the website he built to house it all too. We love the way it scrolls and uses bold text as a design feature.

You can check out his website and his artworks here.

Care/Of – Packaging

Care/Of is a nutrition company that offers its customers highly personalised nutrition, based on their individual needs. They needed some really special packaging to bring that to life, and to do so they turned to High Tide, an agency in New York, who created this gorgeous packaging design.

We love not only the way this packaging looks, but also how it was shot. This is absolutely beautiful!