Tag Archives: Instagram


What a great idea by DDB Johannesburg for Glad. As you may know, Glad is a producer of plastic bags and other products in South Africa that people use to preserve food.

The video below explains it in a much more engaging way, but in short, Glad started an instagram account and search for all the food pics that people post. They screencapped them, then photoshopped glad products over the food and sent them back to the original posters two days later, as if the product had preserved the food for that long. They even went so far as to target foodie celebrities as well, gaining some great traction. That is, before instagram became wise to it and shut down the account.

Have a look at the case video below, there’s no way you won’t feel inspired after watching it!

Selfie Portraits

Jade Paton is a student at UCT studying Fine Art and in a recent project, she helps hold up a mirror to the mirror that is selfie culture. By using Instagram’s new(ish) video feature, we see added tension to the medium we see so much of these days – the selfie. The name of the project, Self(ie) Obsessed hints at further ideas on the way we represent ourselves.

Somehow, seeing a moving image and really being able to look into someone’s eyes really brings these to life and in some cases, it almost feels too awkward or voyeuristic. Each blink, every twitch and lick of the lips is played out – very personal mannerisms, which bring more life and reality to the selfie; something which is fiercely curated (even those selfies which are presented as if they were thrown together in a hurry are designed to be so).

The good news is – if you’d like to be involved, it’s as easy as taking a selfie. The requirements are to take a 15 second video of yourself holding the same pose, using Instagram. Once you’re done, send a link of your selfie to selfieportraiture@gmail.com

Who’s in?